The Future of Aggie Park Belongs to Us!!!

In 1946, Aggie Park was created as the home of the San Antonio A&M Club. This facility is one of a kind. No other alumni club anywhere has a facility as unique as Aggie Park. When the San Antonio A&M Club was granted it's original charter by the Texas Secretary of State, 3.3 acres of land on the outskirts of San Antonio, next to Olmos Creek, were purchased from Henry Wier's dairy by 10 men who personally bankrolled that far sighted vision. It was a place where Aggies could meet with friends and family to share the traditions of Texas A&M.

As time passed the number of Aggies grew, improvements to the land were started. A BBQ pit was built and a patio added. A building began to grow slowly through the efforts of dedicated Aggie volunteers. Concrete block and bricks were donated to build the walls, and windows that were salvaged from Beeville AFB were installed. Also, drill stem pipes from the oil fields in Victoria, TX. were donated to build the roof trusses.

During Muster, April 21, 1954, the San Antonio A&M Club dedicated Aggie Park to the memory of all Aggies who had given their life in protecting our country. By then the park had become a landmark in the San Antonio Community. Continued improvements were made through the contributions of material and labor from dedicated Aggies. In 1979 the San Antonio A&M Club moved its daily operation to Aggie Park along with the weekly Monday luncheon.

Not even two floods in the early 1990's could halt construction in Aggie Park. These floods brought the opportunity to increase the size of Aggie Park's banquet hall. However, the times had changed; the improvements to the park were paid through cash donations and sub-contractors were hired to do the work.

Today, the cost to maintain and improve the facility and grounds at Aggie Park has increased beyond the ability of a normal club function. It is now our responsibility as Aggies to keep the tradition of Aggie Park alive, and to assure its continued growth and improvement for future Aggies and their families.

To accomplish this, an AGGIE PARK ENDOWMENT FUND has been established. The principal of this Fund may not be spent, unless approved by the membership of the San Antonio A&M Club. Only the interest from the Fund shall be used.

The AGGIE PARK ENDOWMENT FUND will provide funds to maintain Aggie Park as a first class facility. Your contribution to the Endowment Fund of cash, appreciated stock, real estate, etc., will assure that funds will be available in the future for the maintenance, repairs to the facility and grounds and replacement of equipment. In addition, these donations will allow all the proceeds earned by the San Antonio A&M Club Foundation through its annual fund raisers to benefit the scholarship program and other programs at Texas A&M University.  

