Due to COVID, we will host a hybrid event and restrict attendance to family or friends of those on the Roll Call list. The limit is 2 guests per Roll Call name. We will also live stream the event online for viewing from home on this webpage.
Wednesday, April 21st at 6:00pm
Doors open at 5:00pm
Food and drinks will be served following the Muster ceremony.
COVID Safety Protocols
We will be following recommended health & safety guidelines at the event. Those attending Muster at Aggie Park will be able to sit in groups, social distancing from other groups. We are also encouraging the use of a mask when social distancing is not possible. COVID vaccines are now available, we encourage you to learn more about the vaccine and how it can benefit you by visiting with your physician and reading more at the CDC's website. CDC COVID Vaccination
This year we will commemorate the 100th anniversary of the San Antonio A&M Club during our Muster ceremony.
Muster is hosted by the San Antonio A&M Club for free each year. To help offset our event expenses,we ask that you please sign up for Club membership or make a donation here.
Instructions for adding names to Roll Call:
You can view the most current Roll Call list at the Association of Former Student's website HERE.
The San Antonio A&M Club uses the Association's Roll Call list for Muster.
To add a name to the Roll Call, email SilverTaps@AggieNetwork.com.
Speaker: Porter S. Garner III '79
President and CEO of the Association of Former Students
Porter graduated from Texas A&M University in 1979 with a BBA in marketing and began his career with Hughes Tool Company before joining The Association’s staff as Field Director in 1981. After nearly 18 years of service to The Association, Porter was unanimously elected by the Board of Directors to lead the organization, making him only the seventh chief executive in The Association’s 142-year history. Over the last 21 years as President and CEO, Porter has inspired innovation and led initiatives to achieve The Association’s vision to become the premier alumni organization, enhance Association programs and services, and broaden the organization’s reach and relevance to the worldwide Aggie Network. He serves as a non-voting member of The Association’s Board of Directors and Executive Committee, working closely with the Board to ensure that donated funds are used in the most efficient and effective ways to benefit Texas A&M and the Aggie Network. Under his leadership as President and CEO, The Association of Former Students’ total assets have grown from $55 million to $119 million, and the organization has raised over $350 million impacting Texas A&M and Texas Aggies. Porter is a member of the Self-Governing Alumni Forum (SGAF), Council of Alumni Association Executives (CAAE), the Council for Advancement and Support of Education (CASE) and serves on the board of Baylor Scott & White Health– College Station Region. He served on numerous boards to include: CASE District IV, CASE Commission on Alumni Relations, Brazos Valley Rehab Center and March of Dimes. He is only one of two individuals to have been honored with a lifetime membership in the Brazos County A&M Club. Porter and his wife, Lisa ’91, are Endowed Century Club members and have three children: Claire ’21, Callie ’23 and Porter IV.
2021 Muster Roll Call
Mr. Glenn Baker '55
Mr. Douglas Ballou '79
Mr. Bernerd Boarnet '60
Mr. Ryan Boles '24
Mr. Lloyd Booth 52
Mr. Richard Brady '52
Mr. Bill Brice '70
Mr. William Burch '60
Mr. Rene Cabrera '92
Mr. Hugh Caddess '58
Mr. Harry Candler '59
Mr. Richard Cappel '56
Ms. Ann Chandler '75
Mr. Vernon Clemens '59
Mrs. Jeanette Conn
Mr. Howard Conner '65
Ms. Lauren Contreras '17
Mr. James Coston '59
Mr. Cole Dameron '05
Mrs. Monique Derrington '97
Mr. Robert Dobbins '52
Mr. Andy Duffie '78
Mr. Louis Farr '66
Col John B Ferrata, Jr '59
Mr. Harold Florence '64
Mr. Charles Fox '57
Mr. Joseph Galle '53
Mr. Diego Gallegos '85
Mr. Raul Garcia '61
Mr. Armando Garza '71
Mr. Craig Gontarek '79
Col Michael Grabfelder '70
Mr. Phillip Graham '13
Ms. Sally Graham '14
Mr. Ronald Grenrood '71
Mr. Tim Griesenbeck '73
Mr. Albert Grona '60
Mr. Oton Guerrero '51
Mr. Steve Hackebeil '71
Mr. John Hale '61
Mr. Dan Hill '60
Dr. Gordon Hill '69
Dr. Ralph Hill '70
Mr. Roger John '63
Mr. James Johnson '67
Mr. Robert Jones, Jr. '79
Mr. Roy Kinslow '46
Mr. David Krause '59
Dr. Lawrence Lane '86
Mrs. Karen Lerma '76
Mr. Benjamin Macias '01
Mr. Michael Mann '67
Dr. Joshua Martin '08
Mrs. Peggy Mays
LTC Gerald McKinney '56
1st Lt Edward Harris Mitchell, Jr. '46
Ms. Melinda Moses '82
Mr. John Neal '61
Mr. John Otto '70
Mr. Michael Owen '77
Mr. Steven Pawelek '80
Mr. Daniel Pena '45
Mr. Brandon Perlowski '20
Mr. Daniel Puckett '82
Mr. Dan Pullen '64
Mr. Raul Ramirez '62
Mr. Stewart Reynal '79
Col Robert Rich '45
Mrs. Roxanna Ruiz-Felter '98
Mr. John Sackett '59
Mr. Juan Saenz '74
Mr. Esmeraldo Saenz '65
Mr. Curtis Samford '83
Mr. Stephen Sanders '96
Mr. Paul Sanders '52
Mr. Steven Saunders '02
Mr. Gary Schuchart '68
Mr. Millard Schuchart '51
Mr. John Schuepbach '68
Ms. Sonya Shannon '03
Dr. Harry Smalley '54
Mr. Byron Spencer '87
Mrs. Mary Elizabeth Stengel
Mr. Michael Taylor '74
Mr. Fred Valentino '41
Mr. Joseph Van De Walle '67
Mr. Raymond Welder '55
Mr. Dale West '57
Mr. Lewis Westerman '72
Mr. Kris Wimberley '95
Col James Woodward '62
Ms. Kristen Wooster '16
Mr. Henry Zachry '54
Mr. Michael Zezula '83
Mr. Charles Zinsmeyer '86