San Antonio Aggie Women's Club
Check out our Facebook Page here!
Our History
The San Antonio Aggie Women’s Club is a unique organization formed to support the San Antonio A&M Club. We are the only Aggie Women’s Club anywhere! We were formed in 1957 by Buck Weirus to support the then all male San Antonio A&M Club, the only A&M Club in existence to own its own property. Buck saw the need for some female support, and he formed the San Antonio Aggie Wives Club. The wives of A&M Club members joined together to support the activities of the men’s club and to promote fellowship among the families.
In 2003 the Club name changed to the Aggie Wives and Graduates Club to reflect the growing number of female graduates of Texas A&M and to welcome them into the organization.
In 2016, as a function of updating the bylaws, the name changed to the San Antonio Aggie Women’s Club to include not just wives and graduates, but also moms, daughters, friends, and those with an interest in all things “Aggie”. The club is open to any female with an interest in Texas A&M University. In 2020 we were pleased to become a 501(c)(3) organization.
Pecan Orders:
Pecan orders have closed for the 2024 fall season. Thank you to everyone who placed their orders to support our scholarship program. We sincerely appreciate your continued support, which allows us to make a meaningful impact on the lives of deserving students. See y’all back here next September 2025 when pecan sales resume.MC
Scholarship Fundraiser:
Our annual Scholarship Luncheon Fundraiser is set for Saturday, March 29, 2025 at Aggie Park. All are welcome to attend. Ticket information and details will be updated soon.
What We Do:
We support and partner with the San Antonio A&M Club by helping with Muster, Feed the Band, and Family BBQ events and throughout the year, we enjoy our own meetings and activities.
We meet for lunch monthly, September – May at various venues in San Antonio to hear speakers and programs of interest to women and Aggies. Presenters include Texas A&M staff as well as local experts on varying subjects.
We provide scholarships for several Bexar County youth to attend Texas A&M University. Funds are raised for those scholarships through pie sales at Aggie Park throughout the year and pecan sales in the fall, and an annual fundraiser.
Additional evening activities are planned throughout the year just for fun.
How to join:
We hope you'll consider joining us or passing the information along to another woman, in your life, who might be interested. For more information, contact one of the Officers listed below.
Aggie Women's
Debbie Castro, President |
Donna Hill, 1st VP - Membership |
Aggie Women's
Fall Luncheon Meeting Schedule:
All meetings are held on the 1st Thursday of each month, starting at 11am. Check out our Facebook page for updates on meetings, evening activities and other items of interest related to all things Aggie!
Officers 2024-2025
President: Debbie Castro
1st VP Membership: Donna Hill
2nd VP Day Programs: Lisa De Leon
3rd VP Fundraiser Chair: Open
4th VP Fundraiser Co-Chair: Open
5th VP Evening Programs: Terri Sobey
Treasurer: Sandy Deitchle
Recording Secretary: Amy Mulholland
Corresponding Secretary: Vivian Coleman
Parliamentarian: Sandy Deitchle
Women's CAMClub
Want to join our Club?
Click here to download our Membership Form.